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The Crowder Law Firm Scholarship Fall 2024 Winner

Dianne Lee Dunn

Dianne’s essay is an inspiring story of a woman fueled by the American Dream and the example set by her mother before her. Through courage and boundless determination, Dianne is set to complete her bachelor’s degree after a nearly 19-year hiatus from school while raising four beautiful children. Congratulations, Dianne, and we cannot wait to see what the future holds.

Scholarship Winner Fall 2024

Read Dianne’s Essay:

When I consider how to define the American Dream, I can’t help but wonder: in what other country can an eighteen year old girl arrive speaking no English, have a baby without any support, and become a Senior Executive of a major computer software company? For that matter, where else can that baby, now a forty-three year old homeschooling mother of four, have the opportunity to go back to school to finish her degree after a nineteen year delay? I know of no other country where freedoms are protected so fiercely and opportunity is provided so richly that anything is possible if you are willing to work hard and determined enough to see it through. That is the American Dream.

My mother arrived in this country from Colombia penniless, eighteen years old with a baby on the way, and not speaking a word of English after my father, an American citizen, married and then brought her here so I could be born in America. However, shortly after my birth, he got in trouble with the law and fled, thereby abandoning us for a short time. He later returned, feigned repentance, conceived my brother, and left us again. My young immigrant mother now had two young children to care for while trying to finish school.

It astonishes me how she was able to accomplish so much after being left by my father and facing multiple setbacks. Due to his choices, she ended up being literally robbed and then later kidnapped and miraculously released! Yet, my mom would go on to remarry and have my sister all while finishing her education and jump starting her career. Clearly, she was determined to finish what she had started: raising her children to have a strong sense of morality, family, work ethic, and devotion, and nothing was going to hold her back.

With that same determination, my brother grew up to be a lawyer who, like you, has fought to protect the rights of those accused of criminal offenses, especially immigrants whose rights are being trampled simply because they look different or cannot speak the language. He understands what our mother had to fight through, how she could have easily been accused of participating in our father’s crimes, and how she overcame horrific obstacles to give us the bright future we have enjoyed. My sister is also fighting for others as she is on track to become a therapist to help people bounce back from their setbacks.

While my brother and sister fight for others, I engage in a fight of my own: homeschooling my four children. Clearly, my family has a proud tradition of valuing public education, as my mom, stepdad, brother, sister and husband all have higher education degrees. Understandably, though, my family was shocked when we decided to homeschool. It’s not that we don’t appreciate or value the public education system, my husband even teaches there! It’s that in this country, we have the freedom to choose the path that is best for our family and the goals and visions we have for them.

Our oldest was a very young kindergartener, turning five just two weeks before school started. Yet, he was still expected to sit quietly and control his energy for eight hours a day. What an unrealistic expectation! After being told that he was a “problem student”, he felt like something was wrong with him, which his dad and I could not stomach. We could see he was bright and had endless potential.

In the tradition of determination that runs through my family, I sacrificed my own education to give my children a customized and personalized education, for that is what homeschooling is. They attend co-ops, have tutors, take online classes, and dual enroll at local colleges and universities. Our oldest son is also now heading to college. Our other three are well on their way! They have all learned to think critically and understand and value the freedoms afforded to us as Americans.

Now that they’re older, determination urges me to go back to school to finish my bachelor’s degree that I was so close to finishing nineteen years ago. However, I did not intend to wait until the last minute to apply for this scholarship. I didn’t even know I was returning to school until I unexpectedly had a heart attack in March of this year! My doctors were flabbergasted because I did not have any of the usual symptoms, no high blood pressure or cholesterol. Though only one artery was blocked and my other arteries are completely clear, I still managed to have what doctors call the “Widowmaker” heart attack. It made me reevaluate what I was doing.

I have already accomplished a lot in my life. I am raising four amazing humans who are each pursuing their passions. We have volunteered at our local ministry to deliver food to school children during the summer who usually receive free or reduced lunch. I teach children’s classes at our local Community Bible Study, have volunteered countless hours at various nearby Vacation Bible Schools, and am mentoring youth aging out of foster care. I can now add to that: survived and recovered from a Widowmaker heart attack. It is time to finish what I started so long ago and get my bachelor’s degree.

With my degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, I hope to join a Public Service group to educate and encourage others to achieve their dreams. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story with you and possibly earn money towards finishing that degree. Though I am an untraditional student, I am the product of the American Dream and am eager to continue pursuing that tradition so my mother can be proud that all of her children have followed in her footsteps and did not allow any setbacks to prevent them from completing their education and living their dreams… proof that the American Dream is still very much attainable today, no matter your circumstances!

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