Plano, Texas Arson Defense Attorney

Criminal Lawyer Representing Clients Accused of Arson in Collin County and Tarrant County, TX
Under Texas law, a person can be charged with arson for purposely setting fire to a home, building, or open space. The penalties for an arson conviction in Texas are severe and can include many years of imprisonment. If you have been charged with arson, it is essential that you retain a criminal defense attorney to help you mount the best defense possible.
The Crowder Law Firm P.C. offers quality legal representation for clients accused of arson, reckless burning, and other property crimes. Do not speak to law enforcement without an attorney present. You may do or say something that law enforcement or the prosecution can use against you in the future. If you are facing charges, contact us to get the help you need right away.
Understanding Texas Arson Laws
Texas law defines arson as the act of starting a fire or causing an explosion with the intent to damage or destroy property. Such property can include open spaces, vegetation, fences, buildings, homes, vehicles, and other property. Arson can also include when a person burns or explodes material with no regard to whether the burning will endanger the lives of others or cause damage to property. Many arson cases hinge on the issue of intent. You can be charged with arson if you set fire to a building and one or more of the following circumstances exists:
- You knew the building was located on the property of another person;
- You knew the building was insured against damages;
- You knew the building was within city limits; and
- You knew the building was subject to a security or mortgage interest.
Criminal Penalties for an Arson Conviction
Penalties for an arson conviction in Texas are dependent upon the circumstances of the crime. If the fire was started with the intent to damage property, this is a second-degree felony offense. A person convicted of second-degree arson faces penalties including two to 20 years in prison and fines up to $10,000. This charge can be elevated to a first-degree felony if the fire was started at a habitation (home or vehicle where people sleep) or place of worship.
Fires which were started intentionally and led to a death or serious injury are usually considered first-degree felonies as well. A first-degree felony arson conviction is punishable by 5 to 99 years in prison along with fines up to $10,000. If the person who started the fire did so with the intention of killing someone, he or she could face criminal charges for murder.
Attorney Darlina Crowder knows how to handle even the most challenging criminal cases. She has secured over 300 acquittals and not-guilty verdicts for her clients in her 20 years of experience practicing law. Along with the rest of the team at The Crowder Law Firm P.C., she will help you fight your criminal charges to make sure you have the greatest possible chance of a favorable outcome.
Schedule a Free Consultation Today
If you have been charged with arson, you could be facing a lengthy prison sentence. Contact our office to speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Plano and to discuss your options. To schedule a cost-free, confidential consultation, call 214-544-0061 today. We serve clients in Dallas County, Collin County, Tarrant County, Denton, Frisco, Plano, Grayson, and the surrounding areas. Se habla Español.