Plano First-Time DWI Defense Lawyer

Criminal Attorney for First Arrest on Drunk Driving Charges in Collin County
Being arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI) can be a completely overwhelming experience. Unfortunately, many people do not realize that they can be arrested for drunk driving after even just a couple of drinks. While most DWI arrests involve an alleged offender with a blood or breath alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or more, a BAC over the legal limit is not a requirement for a drunk driving arrest in Texas.
The Crowder Law Firm P.C. represents clients who have been arrested on DWI charges. We believe that many first-time DWI offenders are good people who simply made a mistake. At our firm, we also believe that good people deserve second chances. With this in mind, we are prepared to put our knowledge and skill to work to have your first-offense DWI charges reduced or dismissed if at all possible.
Driving While Intoxicated Laws in Texas
A first DWI offense is generally handled differently under the law compared to a second, third, or fourth DWI offense. If you are convicted of a first DWI offense, you may be fined up to $2,000 and required to spend three to 180 days in jail. Additionally, your driver's license may be suspended for up to two years, and you may be required to install an ignition interlock device (IID) on your car. Participation in an alcohol education program may also be ordered.
Fortunately for many first-time DWI offenders, a skilled Plano criminal defense lawyer can negotiate an arrangement to keep them out of jail. Prosecutors are often willing to work with first offenders who take responsibility for their decisions and demonstrate their commitment to making safer choices in the future. If you have been arrested for a DWI for the first time, our team may be able to help you receive a probation sentence or participate in community service instead of serving jail time.
First-time DWI offenders with a BAC of .08 to .14 eventually have the option of applying for non-disclosure of their offense. An Order of Non-Disclosure seals the offender's criminal record related to the first DWI for anyone other than government agencies and law enforcement. This means that the DWI conviction will not show up on most employer background checks. If you are a first time DWI offender, you may request a non-disclosure two years after your probation ends. In order to qualify for nondisclosure, you are required to install an IID on your vehicle and use it for six months.
Experienced Legal Professionals Standing Up for Your Rights
The experienced legal professionals at The Crowder Law Firm P.C. has served DWI defendants in Texas for nearly 20 years. We understand that a first-time DWI arrest can be a terrifying experience. A significant number of DWI defendants have never been in trouble with the law before so they may be completely overwhelmed and uncertain about how to build a strong defense. Attorney Darlina Crowder has extensive experience handling DWI cases and has secured over 300 acquittals and not-guilty verdicts for her clients. She and her compassionate team can help you understand your legal options after a first-time DWI and will work hard to protect your rights and to keep you out of jail.
Let Us Help
A DWI conviction can cost you your ability to legally drive, your reputation, your career, and even your freedom. The good news is that you do not have to face DWI charges alone. Contact our office to schedule a cost-free, confidential consultation and case review. Call us at 214-544-0061 today. We serve DWI clients in Plano, Dallas, Fort Worth, Garland, McKinney, Denton, Collin County, Grayson County, and the surrounding areas. Se habla Español.