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Understanding the Charge of Child Trafficking in Texas

 Posted on February 17, 2023 in Criminal Defense

plano criminal defense lawyerAn enormous amount of attention is currently being paid to the issue of child trafficking in the United States; there are flyers in airport bathroom stalls, ads on TV, and a general sense of panic that this issue is worse than it has ever been. The concerns mean that, when it does happen (or when it simply appears to have happened), prosecutors and judges are intent on making an example out of alleged perpetrators. 

Texas residents and visitors are at a particular risk for allegations of child trafficking because a significant amount of the real child trafficking does actually happen along the Texas-Mexico border. If you have been formally charged with child trafficking - or if you have found out that you are simply being investigated over an accusation - you need the help of an aggressive Texas criminal defense attorney who understands the law and will fight to protect your rights and reputation. 

Child Trafficking and Texas Law

The first thing to know about child trafficking in Texas is that Texas laws against human trafficking in general are extremely strict with severe penalties that increase substantially if the trafficked person is under age 18, whether the alleged trafficker knew the person was a minor or not. Trafficking a minor is a first-degree felony punishable by at least 25 years but up to 99 years in prison. 

The following eight kinds of behaviors are considered human trafficking in Texas: 

  • Trafficking someone with the intent to engage them in forced labor or services 

  • Receiving a benefit like forced labor or from someone who is trafficked 

  • Trafficking someone and forcing them to engage in paid sexual acts

  • Engaging in paid sexual acts with a trafficked person 

  • Trafficking a child with the intent to force the child into forced labor or services 

  • Benefitting from the forced labor or services of a trafficked child 

  • Trafficking a child and thereby causing them to become a victim of sexual crimes against a child

  • Benefitting from a trafficked child who is a victim of sexual crimes against children, including engaging in such acts yourself 

Contact a Plano, TX Child Trafficking Criminal Defense Attorney Now

The charge of child trafficking is one of the most serious charges you can face. Judges and prosecutors are very interested in securing convictions for suspected child traffickers, making it absolutely essential for you to have the help of an experienced Collin County child trafficking criminal defense attorney. Call The Crowder Law Firm, P.C. at 214-544-0061 to schedule a free, confidential consultation. We have a proven track record of helping clients get their charges reduced and of securing not guilty verdicts for crimes against children. 





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