Is Adult Prostitution Legal in Texas?
Most people are aware that prostitution is the exchange of sexual acts or behavior for money. In Texas, even for consenting adults, prostitution is illegal. However, charges of prostitution do not automatically mean a conviction; with an experienced criminal defense attorney, you can fight the charges against you and hope for a better future.
What Counts as Prostitution in Texas?
Any sexual contact for money is considered prostitution; in fact, two people do not have to engage in sexual conduct or exchange money to be charged with a crime. They merely have to agree to have paid sexual conduct, making this a serious crime that could be charged simply by showing intent. Even making an offer could be enough to get you in trouble.
This is intended to make it easier for police to go after people soliciting sex, although it also means innocent people can get caught up in charges. Having someone believed to be a sex worker in your car, taking money out of an ATM, or just offering to have sex for money could be charged under Texas law. Sting operations are common, and the police often engage in questionable practices as they try to catch those they believe may be trying to hire sex for money.
What Are the Charges for Prostitution in Texas?
Texas sees those who buy sex as being complicit in forced human trafficking or sex work and is the first state to have made buying sex a felony. A conviction for buying or trying to buy sex allows up to two years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines for a first offense. Subsequent offenses increase the punishments to up to 10 years in prison with the same fine.
Individuals trying to recruit prostitutes to work for them (often known as “pimps”) can be charged with other crimes, such as promoting prostitution. This could be professional, but it could also be casual; arranging for two friends to have sex for money can be considered promotion of prostitution, as could asking a friend to find a prostitute for you. Soliciting sex from a minor or attempting to recruit a minor for prostitution results in much harsher punishments, as does compelling an adult to commit prostitution by force.
Call a Tarrant County, TX Criminal Defense Lawyer
Whether you have been accused of prostitution or soliciting a prostitute, it is essential to have an experienced, aggressive Dallas-Fort Worth criminal defense attorney on your side. Call the offices of The Crowder Law Firm, P.C. today to schedule a free consultation. If your loved one has been arrested, we may be able to meet with them in jail. Call 214-544-0061 today.